• Bomber defensive fire has been reduced in effectiveness.
• A centering 'c' key resets flight stick to straight-ahead.
• A new menu option, "Easier Computer Player", reduces effectiveness of all computer-player gunfire, including defensive fire.
• Reinforcements at combat scale are less frequent, especially later in the dogfight.
• Your fighter squadrons are more likely to set up for a head-on attack versus bombers (especially true for jets).
• Airplanes and pilots suffer damage and loss of consciousness from high-G maneuvers less often and for shorter periods now.
• v1.0 had a bug where friendly bombers that escaped during a dogfight would be lost from your squadron if your remaining fighters subsequently disengaged and left enemy fighters behind. This is fixed.
• When your airplanes were surprised, v1.0 had a bug that sometimes caused some of them to disengage automatically without you telling them to. This has been fixed.
• The AI is changed a little: it's now harder to use your wingmen as "bait" for the computer.
• Sometimes in v1.0, certain airplanes, when loaded with rockets or bombs and traveling at low speed, would be unable to bank even one increment. This has been fixed.